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Smash Bros Got Its Name Because Friends \"Smash\" Beef Amongst Themselves
任天堂跨界格斗游戏《任天堂明星大乱斗》发行25周年之际,我们终于从游戏创造者樱井政博那里得到了游戏名称的官方来历。 樱井政博解释了《任天堂明星大乱斗》的命名由来 前任任天堂社长岩田聪参与了《任天堂明星大乱斗》的命名 《任天堂明星大乱斗》是任天堂的跨界格斗游戏,汇集了该公司众多标志性游戏中的角色。但与游戏名称暗示的不同,游戏中只有少数角色是真正的兄弟——有些甚至不是男性。那么,为什么它被称为“任天堂明星大乱斗”呢?任天堂此前从未给出官方解释,但最近,《任天堂明星大乱斗》的创造者樱井政博对此做出了说明! 在他的YouTube视频系列中,樱井政博解释说,《任天堂明星大乱斗》的名字来源于游戏系列的核心
KristenRelease:Jan 16,2025
Dan Da Dan TV Anime Drops New Trailer, Theatrical Premiere
DAN DA DAN:秋季最受期待动画,抢先剧场版来袭! 片名DAN DA DAN导演山城ふが制作公司サイエンスSARU首播2024年10月 这部由龙之介幸信创作的漫画改编的动画《DAN DA DAN》,在预告片释出后,便迅速成为秋季档最受瞩目的焦点。不仅Crunchyroll和Netflix等平台将全球同步播出,GKIDS更将率先在北美院线放映该剧的前三集。 故事讲述了相信外星人却不信鬼怪的少年高仓健(CV:花江夏树)和持有完全相反信念的少女绫濑桃(CV:若山诗音)之间发生的故事。一次为了证明彼此错误的勇气测试,却让他们惊觉两人都对,从此他们的生活陷入彻底的混乱之中。 预告片吊足胃口 之
KristenRelease:Jan 16,2025
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Timeless RPG 'Threads of Time' Arrives on Xbox and Steam
Riyo Games 即将推出的复古风格回合制 JRPG 游戏《Threads of Time》已宣布登陆 Xbox 和 PC 平台,这款游戏将怀旧魅力与现代技术完美融合。 致敬 Chrono Trigger 的 RPG《Threads of Time》登陆 Xbox Series X/S 和 PC 《Threads of Time》PS5 和 Switch 版本尚未确认 在 2024 年东京电玩展的 Xbox 展会期间,《Threads of Time》正式亮相。这款 2.5D 角色扮演游戏受到了《Chrono Trigger》和《最终幻想》等经典游戏的启发。由独立工作室 Riyo Game
KristenRelease:Jan 16,2025
Solo Leveling: Pre-Register for Epic Jeju Island Raid
Solo Leveling: Arise's Jeju Island Raid update is coming soon, and pre-registration is now open! Get ready for a new chapter in the award-winning story, celebrating its recent Google Play "Best Story" award (across 13 markets!). This highly anticipated update adapts one of the webtoon's most iconic
KristenRelease:Jan 16,2025
17 Year Old Spends $25,000 on Monopoly GO
SummaryA teenager reportedly spent $25,000 on Monopoly GO in-app purchases, showcasing the potential financial dangers of microtransactions.In-app purchases have sparked controversy before, with the industry heavily relying on microtransactions for profit.Users often face difficulty getting refunds
KristenRelease:Jan 16,2025
Solo Leveling: ARISE Celebrates Milestone Anniversary
Solo Leveling: ARISE is celebrating its half-year anniversary. Rolling out events and rewards, Netmarble and team is letting you enjoy this celebration for a whole month! If you play the game, then there are some surprises you can look forward to during the events.Here’s a List of the EventsTill Nov
KristenRelease:Jan 16,2025
How To Disable Mouse Acceleration in Marvel Rivals
Mouse acceleration is a major drawback for competitive shooters, and Marvel Rivals is no exception. The game defaults to mouse acceleration with no in-game toggle, so here's how to disable it. Disabling Mouse Acceleration in Marvel Rivals Since the game lacks an in-game option, you'll need to edit
KristenRelease:Jan 16,2025
Jak and Daxter: Trophy Triumph Guide
Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy received a PS4 and PS5 update boasting a revamped Trophy system. This presents a fresh challenge for series veterans and trophy enthusiasts alike, offering the chance to earn a coveted Platinum trophy. While many trophies are straightforward (like collecting all
KristenRelease:Jan 16,2025
Free Fire to debut new Winterlands: Aurora event to mark the festive season
Free Fire is the latest to mark the winter season with their new Winterlands 2024 update It adds in a new major character in the form of Koda You can also benefit from new, enhanced and seasonally-themed movement tech As it gets colder it seems only inevitable that more and m
KristenRelease:Jan 16,2025
Fortnite Update Adds Fan Favorite Items to OG Battle Royale
Fortnite's Latest Update: A Blast from the Past and Festive Cheer! Fortnite's newest update delivers a nostalgic treat for players, bringing back beloved items like the Hunting Rifle and Launch Pad. This follows a recent hotfix for the OG mode, reintroducing classic favorites such as the Cluster Cl
KristenRelease:Jan 13,2025
Monopoly GO: Top Tips for Success Today
Monopoly GO 2025年1月6日活动一览及最佳策略 2025年1月6日Monopoly GO活动日程 2025年1月6日Monopoly GO最佳策略 Monopoly GO的Peg-E贴纸掉落活动昨天上线,令人惊喜的是,一等奖居然是狂野贴纸!由于“欢乐铃声”专辑即将结束,这张狂野贴纸是获得稀有金色贴纸并完成套装的好方法。同时,新一周也开始了,快速获胜进度条已重置,如果您积极游戏,本周可以再获得一个节日宝箱。为了帮助您,本指南涵盖了Monopoly GO 2025年1月6日的活动日程安排以及今天Sticker Drop活动的最佳策略。 2025年1月6日Monopoly GO活动
KristenRelease:Jan 13,2025
Florida Judge Wears VR Headset During Court Case
美国法院首次使用VR技术重现案发现场,或将改变未来审判方式 佛罗里达州的一位法官和法庭工作人员在一次案件中使用了虚拟现实头显,以便被告方能够从被告的视角演示一起事件。这可能是美国法院首次,甚至可能是唯一一次在法庭案件中使用虚拟现实技术。 尽管虚拟现实技术已经存在多年,但其普及程度远不及传统的电子游戏。Meta Quest虚拟现实系列在这方面取得了重大进展,推出了价格合理且无线的头显,使体验更加便捷,但它仍远未被广泛采用。在法庭案件中使用VR是一个引人注目的发展,因为它可能会改变未来法律案件的处理方式。 在佛罗里达州的一次“正当防卫”案件听证会上,使用了VR技术从被告的视角展示了事发经过。被告的
KristenRelease:Jan 12,2025
All Vendor Locations In Indiana Jones and The Great Circle
This guide details all vendor locations in Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny. Vendors sell books to unlock skills and reveal collectible locations on the map, and often provide crucial mission items. Vatican City The Vatican City features two conveniently located vendors. Ernesto: Found in t
KristenRelease:Jan 12,2025
Raid: Shadow Legends Redeem Codes (January)
Experience the epic turn-based RPG, RAID: Shadow Legends, now playable on your Mac with BlueStacks Air! Download over 100 million times and boasting five years of gameplay, this Plarium title has received major updates in the last year. Best of all? Free in-game rewards await! Boost your champio
KristenRelease:Jan 12,2025
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