⭐️ Complete Channel Data: Access detailed information for every TV and radio channel, including frequency, polarization, SR, FEC, modulation, system, and channel status.
⭐️ Effortless Searching: Quickly locate channels using the app's efficient search function by name or frequency.
⭐️ Organized Layout: Channels are neatly categorized by frequency for easy browsing and access.
⭐️ Offline Functionality: Unlike many similar apps, this app works offline, eliminating the need for internet connectivity. Access information anytime, anywhere.
⭐️ Extensive Channel Selection: Explore over 400 TV channels, offering a diverse and engaging viewing experience.
⭐️ Multilingual Support: Enjoy the app in English, Arabic, French, Italian, Spanish, German, and Turkish.
"TurkSat Frequency Channels" is a comprehensive and user-friendly application offering detailed information on TV and radio channels. Its intuitive search, organized layout, offline capabilities, broad channel selection, and multilingual support make it the ideal tool for anyone wanting to explore the 42° E orbit. Download now for an enhanced viewing experience.
Android 5.1 or later