⭐️ Next Departures & Timetables: Quickly view upcoming departures and select the optimal route based on travel time and estimated arrival.
⭐️ Real-Time Route Planning: Effortlessly calculate and view your route by inputting your destination. Filter by preferred transport methods and easily navigate transfers.
⭐️ Interactive Map: Locate yourself on the network map and see nearby departures. Zoom, pan, and recalculate departures as needed. Track your journey in real-time.
⭐️ eTickets & SwissPass Integration: Purchase Greater Geneva network tickets directly via your smartphone. Utilize various payment methods: credit card, mobile payment, or SMS. Tickets remain accessible offline.
⭐️ Flexible Payment Options: Pay with SMS, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Twint, or various credit cards (CHF or EUR). Avoid banking fees and manage payments easily.
⭐️ Real-Time Traffic Updates & More: Stay informed about network status and disruptions. Access all features, manage your profile, customize preferences, and control notifications.
tpgPreview optimizes your daily travel, providing effortless navigation throughout the Greater Geneva transport network. From timetables and real-time routes to e-ticketing, this app offers a user-friendly and convenient experience. Stay updated on traffic and personalize your settings with ease. Update to the latest version for the best experience.
Android 5.1 or later