The Terpel Stores app puts convenience at your fingertips. Whether you're a Terpel Friends member or simply seeking savings, this app offers a wealth of benefits. Unlock exclusive deals and rewards at participating Terpel Friends locations, maximizing your savings potential. Easily locate nearby Terpel stations, providing more opportunities to earn and redeem rewards. Your feedback is valued – share it directly within the app.
Beyond savings, the app offers a comprehensive search, map, and learning experience all in one place. Share amazing deals and rewards with friends via social media or email. Download the Terpel Stores app today and experience the difference!
Terpel Friends App Highlights:
In short: The Terpel Stores app provides a user-friendly platform for Terpel Friends members to easily manage their rewards and access exclusive savings. Even non-members can benefit from the convenient location finder and money-saving deals. With features like reward tracking, in-app feedback, and simple social sharing, the Terpel Stores app offers a rewarding and convenient experience. Download it today and start saving!
Android 5.1 or later