⭐️ Daily Devotionals: Access the daily "Santapan Harian" devotional from SUI, featuring 365 readings.
⭐️ Extensive Library: Explore over 6000 devotionals covering the entire Bible, from Genesis to Revelation.
⭐️ In-Depth Bible Study: Benefit from the app's focus on detailed biblical interpretation, fostering deeper understanding.
⭐️ Personalized Reading: Adjust screen color for optimal comfort.
⭐️ Effortless Text Handling: Long-press to select text, copy, share, or search within the app.
⭐️ Seamless Navigation: Enjoy full-screen mode (double-tap) and pinch-to-zoom font adjustments.
The Renungan e-SH/Santapan Harian app is a valuable resource for Bible study and personal reflection. Its daily devotionals, comprehensive content, insightful commentary, and user-friendly design make it a perfect tool for deepening your faith. Download today and begin your spiritual journey!
Android 5.1 or later