⭐️ Uncompromising Privacy: End-to-end encryption guarantees your data remains exclusively yours.
⭐️ Impeccable Security: Swiss servers and robust data protection laws ensure your files are safe from unauthorized access.
⭐️ Complete Control: Manage access permissions and securely share content.
⭐️ Enhanced Protection: Protect your app with a personalized PIN code.
⭐️ Transparent Security: Open-source encryption allows for independent verification of security protocols.
⭐️ Flexible Storage Options: Start with a free 500MB plan (no ads or data collection), and upgrade to a paid plan for up to 500GB of secure storage and premium features.
Proton Drive offers unparalleled security and privacy for your digital assets. With end-to-end encryption, secure server location, and granular control over access, your data is in safe hands. The added PIN protection and open-source encryption provide an extra layer of confidence. Choose from flexible storage plans, including a generous free option. Download Proton Drive today and experience the difference!
Android 5.1 or later