⭐️ Multilingual Support: Available in Turkish and English for broader accessibility.
⭐️ Real-time Video Streaming: Watch live video feeds instantly using Wi-Fi or GPRS.
⭐️ Simplified Login: Log in conveniently using your account details or device information.
⭐️ Versatile Connectivity: Connect via serial number, IP address, or DDNS for flexible device access.
⭐️ Multi-Channel Viewing: Switch between up to 64 channels with ease.
⭐️ Comprehensive Features: Enjoy video playback, device configuration, pan-tilt-zoom control, snapshot capture, and live video streaming.
NMSS AHD provides a powerful and user-friendly solution for real-time monitoring, video playback, and device control. Its multilingual support, intuitive login, flexible connectivity options, and advanced features make it a top choice for enhanced surveillance. Download NMSS AHD now and experience the difference!
Android 5.1 or later