⭐️ Barcode Scanning: Quickly access nutritional data with a simple barcode scan.
⭐️ Nutriscore Rating: Easily identify a product's nutritional quality with its A-E Nutriscore.
⭐️ Detailed Nutritional Breakdown: Understand the fat, sugar, and salt content for informed decisions.
⭐️ Per 100g Values: View nutritional information per 100 grams for clear composition understanding.
⭐️ Personalized Product Database: Compare products and track your nutritional progress over time.
⭐️ Health-Focused Design: A valuable tool for health-conscious individuals seeking to avoid harmful ingredients.
El Coco offers effortless access to detailed nutritional information via barcode scanning. It provides Nutriscore ratings, precise nutritional breakdowns, and a personalized database for product comparisons, making it an invaluable asset for anyone committed to healthier eating habits. Download El Coco today and embark on your path to better nutrition!
Android 5.1 or later