Key App Features:
Extensive Classic Summer Cocktail Library: Browse a wide selection of classic summer cocktails, easily searchable by ingredient.
Global Cocktail & Mocktail Collection: Explore a diverse range of tasty cocktails and mocktails from around the world.
Quick & Simple Recipes: Find numerous easy-to-make recipes, covering a variety of spirits, including fruit liqueurs and cachaça-based drinks, along with wines and other beverages.
Illustrated Step-by-Step Instructions: Each recipe includes clear, step-by-step instructions with accompanying photos, guiding you through the process like a professional bartender.
Personalized Recipe Management: Save your favorite cocktails to a dedicated favorites section for offline access, and create custom collections based on your preferences.
Smart Shopping List: Effortlessly create shopping lists by adding ingredients directly from your chosen recipes. The app automatically adjusts quantities based on the number of servings.
In Conclusion:
Looking for a comprehensive cocktail recipe app with easy-to-follow instructions, stunning visuals, and smart organization features? Look no further! This app offers a vast selection of classic and unique drinks, making cocktail preparation a breeze. Download now and start crafting your perfect drink for any occasion!
Android 5.1 or later