⭐️ AI-Powered Background Removal: Effortlessly remove backgrounds with AI assistance for precise, time-saving edits. Customize the process for optimal results.
⭐️ Extensive Background Template Library: Instantly transform your images with a vast selection of templates and AI-powered background adjustments. Easily browse and select your perfect backdrop.
⭐️ PNG Creation and Seamless Export: Create and export PNG images in various formats, ready for further editing or cropping. Import external images for even more creative freedom.
⭐️ Meme Maker: Unleash your inner comedian with built-in meme creation tools, including text and background customization.
⭐️ Advanced Photo Editor: Benefit from a professional-grade photo editor enhanced by AI. Effortlessly refine details and achieve stunning results.
⭐️ Immersive Background Changing Experience: Enjoy a seamless and engaging experience customizing and interacting with backgrounds.
Background Eraser Photo Editor is an intuitive app that combines AI-powered background removal with a comprehensive suite of editing tools. Its extensive template library, PNG export capabilities, meme maker, and advanced photo editor make it a must-have for both casual users and professionals. Experience effortless background changes and unlock your creative potential.
Android 5.1 or later