Home > News > Pokemon Go sees the debut of Fidough as new global challenges unlock soon

Pokemon Go sees the debut of Fidough as new global challenges unlock soon

Author:Kristen Update:Jan 16,2025

Get ready for the Fidough Fetch event in Pokémon Go! From January 3rd to 7th, trainers can welcome the adorable Puppy Pokémon, Fidough, and its evolution, Dachsbun, to the game. This event hinges on collaborative Global Challenges, rewarding players with fantastic bonuses.

Team up with fellow trainers to conquer these challenges! Successfully completing them unlocks escalating rewards, starting with double XP for catching Pokémon and culminating in a whopping four times the XP and Stardust. Don't forget to claim this month's Pokémon Go codes for extra goodies!


Throughout the event, you'll find Fidough in the wild, needing 50 Fidough Candy to evolve into Dachsbun. Popular Pokémon like Growlithe, Voltorb, Snubbull, Electrike, Lillipup, and Poochyena will appear more frequently, with a chance to snag their shiny forms. Keep your fingers crossed for a Hisuian Growlithe or Greavard sighting!

Complete event-themed Field Research tasks for Stardust, Poké Balls, and encounters with special Pokémon. Participate in PokéStop Showcases to share your catches. And don't miss the Pokémon Go Web Store for exclusive deals!

Pokémon Go is ending the year with a bang! This event is just the beginning of a special New Year's celebration – check out our dedicated article for more details.