Metaphor: ReFantazio の世界を探索して熱心なファンを集めましょう! これらの仲間は、他のゲームにおけるソーシャル リンクに似ており、築くためのユニークな絆を提供します。 Metaphor: ReFantazio のフォロワー システムには他のソーシャル リンク システムとの類似点がありますが、独特の魅力があります。
14 人のフォロワーが待っており、それぞれが 8 つの絆ランクを持ち、経験を共有することで培われます。 これらのランクのロックを解除すると、その系統内の新しいアーキタイプが明らかになり、冒険を助ける貴重なボーナスが付与されます。 以下で、各フォロワー、そのロック解除条件、アーキタイプの系統を見つけてください。
軽いネタバレ警告: フォロワー名のみ
比喩: ReFantazio の完全なフォロワー名簿
Follower Name | Unlock Method | Archetype Lineage |
Gallica | Defeat the first boss in the Nord Mines on 6/6. | Mage |
Strohl | Defeat the first boss in the Nord Mines on 6/6. | Warrior |
Hulkenberg | On 6/10, after defeating the boss in the Mausoleum. | Knight |
Heismay | On 7/4, after entering the main dungeon for the first time. | Thief |
Junah | Complete the side quest, "Save The Mourning Snakes," given after reaching Virga Island. | Masked Dancer |
Eupha | Complete the side quest, "Trial Of Malnova," after saving her in the Dragon Temple Dungeon. | Summoner |
Basilio | On 9/14, after leaving Altabury on the Gauntlet Runner. | Berserker |
Neuras | Complete the quest, "Providing A Spark," given on 6/14. | Gunner |
Maria | During main story events on 6/10. | Healer |
Catherina | Upon entering the Grand Trad dungeon on 6/12. | Brawler |
Alonzo | Complete the quest, "A Dagger, A Ring, and a Rake," given by Culcus in Martia. | Faker |
Bardon | After completing Martira's main storyline by 7/16, find him in Martia's city square. | Commander |
Brigitta | Begin the quest, "A Bullish Embargo," by finding her near her Igniter shop in Grand Trad (on or after 6/12). | Merchant |
More | On the night of 6/5, after he summons you. | Seeker |
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