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Rabbit Evolution: Merge Bunny

Rabbit Evolution: Merge Bunny




休閒 61.3 MB Jan 30,2025




Rabbit Evolution: Merge Bunny應用截圖第1張
Rabbit Evolution: Merge Bunny應用截圖第2張
Rabbit Evolution: Merge Bunny應用截圖第3張
Rabbit Evolution: Merge Bunny應用截圖第4張

Unleash your inner mad scientist and breed mutant rabbits in this addictive Tapps Games title! I've got teary eyes and chompers, lay eggs but I'm no bird... what am I? A grumpy waiter? Nope, a rabbit! Forget Easter, it's bunny breeding season! Get ready to drag, drop, and discover your new favorite fluffy friend in this evolution game. Mix and match to create tons of adorable (and sometimes slightly terrifying) rabbit mutations. It's so cute, you'll want to hug your screen!

Fluffy Features:

  • Pantheon: A new area where supreme beings observe our mortal struggles (and laugh at our misery).
  • Impostors: Beware! Impostors are trying to steal the rabbits' spotlight.

How to Play:

  • Drag and drop similar rabbits to create new and mysterious creatures.
  • Use rabbit eggs to earn coins, buy new creatures, and make even more money.
  • Tap furiously on a rabbit to make coins pop from its eggs!


  • Numerous stages and rabbit species to discover.
  • A mind-bending story with surprising twists.
  • A unique blend of creature evolution and incremental clicker gameplay.
  • Doodle-like illustrations.
  • Multiple possible endings: discover your destiny!
  • No rabbits were harmed in the making of this game (only developers).

It's bunny time, folks! From Tapps Games.

Please Note: This game is free to play, but contains items that can be purchased for real money. Some features and extras mentioned may also require in-app purchases.

版本號: 1.0.49
大小: 61.3 MB
系統需求: Android 7.0+
平台: Android
可用於 谷歌支付
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