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Innocent Witches

Innocent Witches




休閒 1.25M Jan 19,2025




Innocent Witches應用截圖第1張
Innocent Witches應用截圖第2張
Innocent Witches應用截圖第3張
Innocent Witches應用截圖第4張
Embark on a hilarious adventure with "Innocent Witches," a free mobile game that reimagines the wizarding world. Play as Marcus Redblack, Tom Riddle's son, who's revolutionized magic and become Hogwarts' Headmaster. Uncover hidden secrets and succumb to temptation beneath the innocent façade of witches.

Explore a captivating magical realm filled with intrigue, betrayal, and irresistible allure. Encounter familiar characters in iconic locations, experiencing their stories from a fresh perspective. The game boasts original, stylized visuals that will instantly draw you in, complemented by engaging mini-games that enhance the gameplay. Download now and experience a completely new take on the wizarding world!

This captivating app, "Innocent Witches," boasts the following features:

  • Stunning 2D Artwork: Enjoy the game's visually appealing 2D art style.
  • Male Protagonist: Play as Marcus Redblack, offering a unique and compelling character arc.
  • Humorous Parody: Experience a comedic twist on the familiar "boy who lived" narrative.
  • Hogwarts Setting: Explore the hallowed halls of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
  • Intuitive Point & Click Gameplay: Navigate the virtual world with ease using a simple point-and-click interface.
  • Engaging Mini-Games: Enjoy diverse mini-games that add excitement and variety to your adventure.

In short, "Innocent Witches" delivers a fun and engaging experience within the magical world of Hogwarts. Its striking visuals, fresh storyline, and entertaining mini-games are sure to captivate players. Download today and discover a new chapter in wizarding history!

大小: 1.25M
系統需求: Android 5.1 or later
平台: Android
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