Enjoy Fun Dress-Up Games for Kids!
Dress-up games offer a fantastic source of entertainment for children of all ages. This isn't just for girls; boys will love it too! Our free dress-up game features Micky, a stylish little boy, with a wide array of hairstyles, shirts, shorts, shoes, and glasses to choose from. You can even customize his smile, hand position, and the background image.
But it's more than just dress-up! This app includes a variety of educational and casual games for kids. Navigation is simple and intuitive, with easy-to-use image buttons to help kids dress Micky. Pleasant music and sound effects add to the fun.
Create your own unique Micky with awesome hairstyles and tons of clothing options. Add accessories to complete his stylish look and make him your virtual pet!
- Free games for girls and boys
- Easy navigation
- Fun dress-up activities
- Delightful music, sound effects, and animations
Connect With Us:
- Website: https://mickyappz.co.in/
- Email: [email protected]
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/MickyAppz/295355777291692
Note: If you experience sound issues, please ensure your mobile media volume is not muted.
What's New (Version 12.5 - Updated Nov 21, 2024):
- Designed for families
- New shirts, shorts, and hairstyles
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