> ゲーム >Pippi World :Avatar Life

Pippi World :Avatar Life

Pippi World :Avatar Life




子ども 118.8 MB Jan 17,2025




Pippi World :Avatar Life スクリーンショット 1
Pippi World :Avatar Life スクリーンショット 2
Pippi World :Avatar Life スクリーンショット 3
Pippi World :Avatar Life スクリーンショット 4

Dive into the enchanting world of "Pippi World: Avatar Life," a delightful dollhouse game where you become part of Pippi's vibrant life! Design your own characters, dress them in stylish outfits, and create unique stories within a charming world filled with a hair salon, bustling subway station, cozy bakery, trendy clothing store, and Pippi's delightful apartment.

Pippi's Wonderful World Awaits!

"Pippi's Life World" is more than just a dollhouse; it's a playground for your imagination. Manage Pippi's daily life – styling, dressing, dining, and exploring – all while crafting your own narratives. Pippi encourages you to embark on unique adventures! Tap and drag characters and props to different locations for surprising discoveries.

Explore Diverse Locations:

  • Apartment: Pippi's home is your relaxing retreat! Cook, sleep, or even take a bath!
  • Clothing Store: A fashion paradise! Mix and match over 500 clothing items and accessories to create countless looks. Showcase your unique style!
  • Hair Salon: Give your characters fabulous makeovers! Choose from a wide array of hairstyles and colors. Cut, curl, and accessorize to your heart's content!
  • Subway Station: Explore the bustling subway, meet new friends, and uncover hidden treasures!
  • Bakery: Enjoy leisurely afternoons with delicious pastries and aromatic coffee in this cozy bakery.

Unleash Your Creativity with Dress-Up Fun!

Design your own characters from scratch or customize existing ones! With over 20 customizable features and 500+ clothing items, you can create anything from a cute sweetheart to a cool chick. These characters can then enjoy all the activities within Pippi World: Avatar Life!

Pippi games are designed for kids, offering fun and educational gameplay for girls and boys. Join Pippi in "Pippi's Life World" and let your imagination soar!

What's New in Version 1.16 (Last updated Nov 16, 2024):

  1. New laboratory scene gameplay added!
  2. User experience optimized.
バージョン: 1.16
サイズ: 118.8 MB
OS: Android 5.0+
プラットホーム: Android
上で利用可能 Google Pay
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