Casa > App >Penny Stocks & OTC Stocks

Penny Stocks & OTC Stocks

Penny Stocks & OTC Stocks






Jan 13,2025

Descrizione dell'applicazione:
Questa potente Penny Stocks & OTC Stocks App consente ai trader di navigare nell'imprevedibile mercato azionario del penny. Effettua una ricerca su più borse (OTC, Londra, canadese, australiana) per identificare le migliori e le sottoperformanti. Filtra per prezzo e volume e accedi ai dati giornalieri in tempo reale per i 100 titoli penny più attivi. L'app include anche calcolatori del profitto e del prezzo medio, feed di notizie e grafici azionari Finviz. While not a stock alert service, it's an invaluable research tool for maximizing profits while acknowledging the inherent risks of penny stock trading.

Caratteristiche principali dell'Penny Stocks & OTC Stocks App:

  • Advanced Search: Track hot penny stock gainers and losers over the past 30 days, allowing for backtesting of trading strategies.

  • Penny Stock Listings: View detailed lists of penny stock gainers and losers, filtered by price and volume, facilitating data-driven decisions.

  • Flexible Filtering: Easily filter stocks by price and volume, with specific options for stocks under $5, $2, and $1, streamlining your search for opportunities.

  • Calcolatori integrati: Utilizza i calcolatori integrati del profitto e del prezzo medio per una gestione efficiente degli investimenti.

Suggerimenti di trading per il successo:

  • Diligent Research: Always conduct thorough due diligence before making any investment decisions, given the volatility of penny stocks.

  • Aspettative realistiche: Stabilisci obiettivi realizzabili e gestisci le aspettative considerando le rapide oscillazioni dei prezzi comuni in questo mercato.

  • Portfolio Diversification: Spread your investments across multiple penny stocks to mitigate risk and optimize potential returns.

  • Stay Informed: Keep abreast of penny stock news, market trends, and leverage the app's charts for informed trading decisions.

Considerazioni finali:

The Penny Stocks & OTC Stocks app provides comprehensive research tools—stock filtering, profit calculators, and a dynamic penny stock list—to help users make well-informed investment choices. Remember that penny stocks are inherently risky; proceed with caution. By using the app strategically and following sound trading practices, traders can potentially benefit from the opportunities available while minimizing losses.

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Informazioni sull'app




sistema operativo:

Android 5.1 or later

Sviluppatore: Financept
Nome del pacchetto


Recensioni Pubblica commenti
Ultimi commenti Sono presenti un totale di 10 commenti
StockTrader Mar 04,2025

Useful app for tracking penny stocks. The real-time data is a great feature, but the interface could be more user-friendly.

股票投资者 Feb 18,2025


Bourse Feb 08,2025

Application correcte, mais manque de fonctionnalités. Les données en temps réel sont un plus, mais l'interface est peu intuitive.

Aktienhändler Jan 31,2025

Eine sehr nützliche App für Penny Stocks! Die Echtzeitdaten sind super und die Suchfunktion funktioniert einwandfrei. Top!

StockTrader Jan 29,2025

This app is a great resource for tracking penny stocks. The real-time data is helpful and the interface is easy to use. Could use more charting options though.

Aktienhändler Jan 17,2025

Eine gute App zum Verfolgen von Penny Stocks. Die Echtzeitdaten sind hilfreich, aber es könnten mehr Analysefunktionen hinzugefügt werden.

Inversor Jan 14,2025

Aplicación útil para seguir las acciones de bajo precio. La información en tiempo real es buena, pero la interfaz es un poco confusa.

InversorBolsa Jan 14,2025

Aplicación útil para seguir las acciones de bajo precio, pero necesita más funciones de análisis técnico.

BoursePro Jan 02,2025

Application très utile pour suivre les actions à faible capitalisation. Les données en temps réel sont un atout majeur.

股票投资者 Jan 01,2025
